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Friday, June 5, 2009

Hunter loves his grandpa's new tractor!

Hunter has been loving that his grandpa bought a tractor. Every day at about 4:30 he starts to ask what time it is, and If he can ride his bike around the block? I finally figured out it is to see if his grandpa is home from work. He can't wait to run over there to see if he needs Hunter's help. He has been helping his uncle Peter rip out some trees in his yard. I walked over to his house the other night and there was Hunter running the tractor and Peter and grandpa were by the tree telling him what to do to dig up the roots of the tree so they could pull it out!
Here Hunter is unloading the tiller attachment by the fence in our backyard. There is land on both sides of our house that the tractor will be used to level and till up the dirt. Hunter has told me that when they don't have things to do with the tractor grandpa said he can maybe just dig holes and fill them back in on the lot to the west of out house. Maybe we could have a hole digging contest..... anyone interested? haha

Hunter is so excited that he can drive the tractor and can run the backhoe!

Hunter says he is saving his money for a tractor of his own. Since it will take him too long to save for the same one grandpa has... he said he will buy a smaller one. He wants to have his own little business and do jobs for people so he can make money.. haha. He will probably do it. He is so ambitious, and such a hard worker.


Tuesdee said...

That is SO AWESOME!!!! Hunter I am impressed you are driving the tractor! Can't wait to see you guys again, hopefully it will be soon!

Grandma N Grandpa said...

Hunter is such a hard worker he will probably buy the biggest tractor and make more than all of us all put together :)

Dillon and Aubrey Hickok said...

Love the tractor driving.... that is amazing he has grown up so fast i cant believe it at all! it seems like not long ago he was just born! LOL time flies! Well he is a good worker....