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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Two times in the last week we have had a hard downpour of rain. Everywhere in Ferron looked like this! We had to suck water out of window well's and by my salon door. Holy Cow!


Peter and Audra said...

We did get tonz of rain. It nocked down my flowers in my flower bed. It was like a river was flowing off my roof. It was crazy,i haven't seen that much rain since i was little.

Grandma N Grandpa said...

WOW!!! Great pictures on the flood waters. It trashed out my flower garden too. I wished I had taken pictures of it coming off our roof ... it was like a waterfall.

Tuesdee said...

Send some of it our way!!! Can't believe how much water you guys got. CRAZY!!! Looks like Stephen was headed out to go jump in it! :) Miss you guys!